Q: Does SpeedJudge.com staff need to be on-site at the event to run the system?
A: No. The system is completely online, and should a question arise, you have the option to get expedited support.
Q: Does SpeedJudge.com also offer judging staff for events?
A: Not at this time. But we are always looking to partner with great organizations.
Q: What is the fee structure?
A: The pricing is done on a per-event model with a small annual fee to keep old events current.
Q: Is there an additional charge for more users?
A: No. The pricing is per-event.
Q: Can I limit the access users have within Speed Judge?
A: Yes. When you setup a new user, you can limit their access to certain parts of the system. Additionally, you can setup a revoke date. An example of this is that you may want your staff’s access revoked automatically starting the day after the event.
Q: Does Speed Judge support multiple classes for an entry?
A: No. At this time we only support a single class for an entry.
Q: What about specialty awards such as “Best of Show”?
A: We use a nomination process where the judges nominate entries for the award during the judging process and then your head judge has a filtered list of suggestions when it’s time to select the winner.