Quick Results

It’s been a hot, long day at the show field. The attendees are hot, tired, and starting to get frustrated. Instead of going back and spending precious time thumbing through a few large stacks of paper to calculate your results, wouldn’t it be easier to just tap a button and have all of your results?

In Speed Judge, you will have your results in under 15 seconds!

Mobile Ready

Our system is mobile ready and can be used from any smartphone, tablet, or really anything with a modern web browser.

Automatic Label Printing

Our automatic Label printing capability makes it a snap to print a label for a window card or even a vendor card. A special report will even show all the vendor labels that had been created, who created them, and their category.

Printable Dash Cards

We offer printable dash cards that include your custom artwork and are optimized to be used by our judging app.

Mailing List Export

After the event you want an easy way to export your information for future use. This can easily be done using our system.

Scorecard Pictures

Image this, it’s been a long hot day in the sun walking around your event. It comes time to pick your “best of” entries. You look at the scorecards, trying to remember which card went with which vehicle, going through your Rolodex of vehicles. It sure would be nice to be able to quickly pull up a picture attached to that scorecard right? Well, with our system, you can have that!

Public Voting

Trying to find a way to capture marketing data from your foot traffic? With our public voting system, you can easily setup a give away and drive your spectators to vote for the entries at your show. They are engaged, it’s something special for your entries, and meanwhile you are collecting future marketing information.


The system has a multitude of different reports. Some examples include a listing of any class moves done by the judges, any entities missing scorecards, class fill, and specialty award nominations are ONLY A FEW.


One thing that we hear is that events want our system to integrate either their existing process, or into their website shopping cart system.

To support this, we have integrations with BigCommerce.com, Wix.com Events, and also offer a way to easily import your pre-registration information. We strive to make it as easy as possible for you.

Offline Judging

Does your event venue have spotty cellular service? If so, we offer an offline option for judging that allows the judges to go out into the show field without requiring an internet connection. Please inquire for more information.